Pros of Electric Vehicles:
They Are Environment Friendly:
Knowing that the electrical vehicles do not put a negative impact on the environment is enough for most of the motorists to buy them. Since these vehicles don’t even come with an exhaust system, they have virtually zero emission.
So unlike the gas powered vehicles, which contribute to the increased carbon footprint in the environment, electric vehicles contribute to a healthier and cleaner air.
Electricity is More Affordable:
For each mile of driving with gas powered cars, Americans usually pay 15 cents on an average. This might not seem like much until you compare it with the electricity cost for charging your electric vehicle, which is three times lower than gas.
And since you will mostly charge your vehicle in your garage, installing solar panels can save you even more money while also powering your residence.
Less Maintenance Required:
Electric cars don’t operate on oil so they don’t really need necessary oil change on a regular basis or any other kind of maintenance procedures that come with combustion engines.
Another benefit is that the brakes in electric vehicles don’t wear out as quickly as the non-electric cars which means you will save more in the long run on maintenance cost.
Nearly Silent:
If you have ever driven a vehicle in a metropolitan city on a highway, you will know how noisy conventional gas vehicles can be. This also puts a negative impact on humans in the form of noise pollution. However, the electrical cars don’t have the mechanism like the non-electric cars which means they don’t have the humming sound that comes from the combustion engines.
Electric vehicles are so noiseless that in some States the legislators have even proposed installing noise making devices so the pedestrians are aware of the nearby vehicles.
Cons of Electric Vehicles:
Short Ranges:
Although the giant electric vehicle companies like Tesla are continuously working on improving their EV’s range, it is still significant problem faced by electric car enthusiasts. Even on a full charge, most of the electric vehicles will be limited to 100 miles.
Only handful of vehicles can go up to 300 miles in a single charge but, of course, these will be a lot more expensive to buy.
Recharging Takes Time:
Contrast to the conventional vehicles that can be filled up at a nearby gas station in just a few minutes, charging your electric vehicle will require a lot of time.
While most of the electric engines take nearly four hours to have a full charge, some even take up to 20 hours to charge fully. However there are kits in the market that can significantly reduce the charging time.
Inconsistency of Charging Stations:
Though you can charge electric vehicle at your home, when you are going for long routes like to a different city or state there will be a problem of finding charging stations. Since most of the cars are still on petrol, the electric vehicle charging stations will not be in as much abundance as the fuel station.
However, you can always leverage Google Maps to know the number of charging stations on your route and plan your whole journey accordingly.
Over to You:
There is no doubt that electric cars are a lot better for environment and typical fuel based cars cannot compete with that. If you can plan smartly and overcome the drawbacks, then using EVs will be worth it.